Gifts to the Foundation are endowed for the purpose of supporting the First United Methodist Church of Santa Rosa.

(Learn about UMF-SR and consider a donation at the bottom of the page)

A gift to the Foundation never stops giving.

The United Methodist Foundation of Santa Rosa (UMF-SR) is a permanently endowed fund established and maintained by contributions for charitable and religious purposes to support the activities of the First United Methodist Church of Santa Rosa.

  • Foundation Overview

    The Foundation's endowment promotes, encourages, and aids the religious, charitable and educational activities of the First United Methodist Church of Santa Rosa.​

  • Scholarships & Grants

    The Foundation supports a number of regular FUMC activities each year and accepts applications for scholarships and grants from members of the church.

  • Gifts & Giving

    Gifts and donations provided to the Foundation are permanent. The funds are invested and only the earnings are distributed for grants and scholarships. This is what makes giving to the foundation so powerful.

  • Stories

    The Foundation has touched many lives over the years. Read their stories, join them, and make a difference in the lives of others and leave your legacy.

  • Resources & Links

    The following links go to complimentary sites which offer resources for financial planning as well as information about some of the beneficiaries of Foundation grants.

  • Annual Reports

    Find our annual reports, see how we are managing our funds, and consider donating and/or applying for grants or scholarships.

Give Online

1. Choose or customize amount you want to give to UMF-SR.
2. Give via your checking account or debit/credit card.

*Our Purpose

The United Methodist Foundation of Santa Rosa serves Jesus Christ by supporting the long-term funding and investment needs of the First United Methodist Church's church-related institutions and ministries and by educating, encouraging, and enabling individuals to carry out Christian philanthropy.


United Methodist Foundation of Santa Rosa

Established in 1984, the United Methodist Foundation of Santa Rosa (The Foundation) supports a range of activities from annual unrestricted grants to the First United Methodist Church of Santa Rosa Trustees and Church Council, to bibles for 3rd graders, scholarships for our youth attending college and graduate school, grants to help start new ministries, grants for property improvements, as well as support for missionaries, and other church and community needs as they are identified.

*For more information on the United Methodist Foundation of Santa Rosa, reach out to us by filling out the “Contact Us” form below.

Contact us.

Thank you for your interest in the United Methodist Foundation of Santa Rosa. Our office is located at:
1551 Montgomery Drive
Santa Rosa, CA 95405

You can reach us using this form, or by telephone at:
707.545.3863 or 707.539.7589