I grew up in Orange County, California and was raised in the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA). I have been involved with worship ministry in the ELCA since 1978, and have served in various capacities as an organist, pianist, choir director, and music director throughout the years. In January 2023, I relocated from my home of 38 years in Riverside County to be closer to my daughters and grandchildren. I now live in Cotati and am thoroughly enjoying the opportunity to explore the beautiful North Bay area. During my time in Riverside County, in addition to serving in worship ministry, I was also involved in musical theater productions, master chorales, interfaith services, directed a 100-voice middle school choir, founded the RiverSong Threshold Choir chapter and founded a social justice choir called the Riverside Resistance Revival Chorus. This chorus was featured in a documentary short film that premiered at the Tribeca Film festival in 2021.

I have a master’s degree in Health Information Management and work full time remotely for Loma Linda University (in SoCal) as the Research Compliance Manager. I love the performing arts, volunteering with dog rescues, social activism and kayaking. And of course, I love spending time with beloved friends and family!

I was drawn to First United Methodist in Santa Rosa because of the inclusivity and varied worship styles. I appreciate traditional and contemporary worship styles equally and especially enjoy collaborating with all kinds of musicians and singers from all walks of life. I am excited to partner with FUMC Santa Rosa and join you in meaningful and joyful expressions of faith and worship.